(English text follows below) 平素より弊所のサービスをご利用くださり誠に有難うございます。 米国における選挙の投票日が近付いて参りました。カリフォルニア州所在の雇用主は、全州域選挙が行われる際、投票のための有給休暇規定に関する従業員への通知を掲示することが義務付けられていますので、お知らせいたします。 ご不明な点等がございましたら、ご遠慮なく弊所までお問い合わせください。 どうぞよろしくお願いい(...)
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(English text follows below) 平素より弊所のサービスをご利用くださり誠に有難うございます。 米国における選挙の投票日が近付いて参りました。カリフォルニア州所在の雇用主は、全州域選挙が行われる際、投票のための有給休暇規定に関する従業員への通知を掲示することが義務付けられていますので、お知らせいたします。 ご不明な点等がございましたら、ご遠慮なく弊所までお問い合わせください。 どうぞよろしくお願いい(...)
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Starting as of January 1, 2024, the Corporate Transparency Act (“CTA”) requires almost all small and medium companies doing business in the US to report information (particularly information about their individual beneficial owners) to the US Treasury Department’s Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (“FinCEN”). Please see below for an overview of this new law, including who […]
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[日本語は下記をご参照ください] We are pleased to announce that Yorozu Law Group has formed a strategic alliance with Miura & Partners Japan, a leading law firm based in Tokyo with multiple international offices. The firm will rebrand as Miura & Partners US in April 2023 where Tasha A. Yorozu will continue to serve as managing attorney. While […]
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Tasha Yorozu was named Secretary and Engagement Committee Chair of the U.S.-Japan Council’s Board of Directors, which consists of 24 Japanese-American leaders from across the United States and in Japan who provide their expertise and guidance in establishing and guiding the Council’s mission and activities. The U.S.-Japan Council is a Japanese American-led organization dedicated to [&he(...)
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Tasha Yorozu, a member of the San Francisco-Osaka Sister City Association Board of Directors, and a San Francisco-based delegation of business and government leaders traveled to Osaka to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the San Francisco-Osaka sister city relationship, San Francisco’s oldest sister city relationship. The San Francisco delegation was hosted by Osaka Mayor Hirofumi […]
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Tasha Yorozu and employment attorney John A. Kodachi presented, “How to Navigate Local U.S. Labor & Employment Law for a Successful Hiring Experience,” at a seminar sponsored by the Japan External Trade Organization and Japan-American Society of Oregon. http://jaso.org/2017/08/jaso-jetro-laboremployment-law-seminar/ Conference brochure: https://d3n8a8pro7vhmx.cloudfront.net/usjc/pages/617(...)
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Tasha Yorozu was named to the U.S.-Japan Council’s Board of Directors, which consists of 24 Japanese-American leaders from across the United States and in Japan who provide their expertise and guidance in establishing and guiding the Council’s mission and activities. The U.S.-Japan Council is a Japanese American-led organization dedicated to strengthening ties between the United […]
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Tasha Yorozu and co-presenters Ms. Mizuho Hayakawa, Consul, Consulate General of Japan in San Francisco, and Dr. Emily Murase, Executive Director, San Francisco Department on the Status of Women, presented, “Women in the Workforce: Trials and Triumphs,” at the 68th Japan-American Student Conference (JASC) Diversity Symposium. The panel was generously sponsored by TOMODACHI. The panelists [&he(...)
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Tasha Yorozu’s personal reflections about the 2016 Japan American Leadership Delegation (JALD): “The JALD experience was transformational. It has given me a new perspective, elevating my sense of clarity on U.S.-Japan relations, for which I am deeply thankful. Having served Japanese corporate clients for 20 years, I was most looking forward to engaging with leaders […]
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Tasha Yorozu and the 2016 U.S.-Japan Council Japanese American Leadership Delegation (JALD) had the honor of meeting with Ambassador Masaharu Kohno, the Special Representative of the Government of Japan for the Middle East and Europe, and Special Envoy of the Government of Japan for the Middle East Peace. Ambassador Kohno shared some highlights of his […]
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Tasha Yorozu and the 2016 U.S.-Japan Council Japanese American Leadership Delegation (JALD) were deeply honored to meet with Prime Minister Shinzo Abe at Kantei, his official residence and principal workplace, for a long-anticipated meeting with the world leader. Prime Minister Abe welcomed the delegation and spoke of the importance of strengthening relationships between Japanese Americans [&(...)
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Tasha Yorozu and the 2016 U.S.-Japan Council Japanese American Leadership Delegation (JALD) traveled to Akasaka Palace, where they had the great honor of an audience with HIH Princess Takamado. The internationally educated Princess is deeply interested in and supportive of U.S.-Japan relations, and Japanese Americans in particular. The Princess took a particular interest in the […]
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Tasha Yorozu and the 2016 Japanese American Leadership Delegation traveled to Tokyo and Kobe from March 5 to 12, 2016. The 10 delegates participated in a full week of meetings, discussions, and networking opportunities with Japanese leaders. The purpose of the program is to build relationships with Japanese leaders from various sectors of society in […]
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On February 13, 2014, Yorozu Law Group’s Tasha Yorozu attended Women’s Leadership Summit in Hawaii. The three day event included a leadership conference featuring keynote speaker Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard and ended with an stylish fashion show titled “Elegance in Paradise”. The show featured gowns of Tokyo-based designer, Keiji Tagawa, Kensei Takeda and Eden in Love/Wedding […]
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On November 16, 2013, Yorozu Law Group attended the Japan Society Gala’s the 27th Annual Gala at the Westin St. Francis Hotel in San Francisco(Union Square). The event recognized Dr. Shinya Yamanaka’s groundbreaking research and 2012 Nobel Peace Prize in Physiology or Medicine with its World Visionary Award. Margrit Mondavi of Mondavi Winery and Kenzo […]
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On November 15, 2013, Yorozu Law Group’s Tasha Yorozu attended the World Alliance Forum’s San Francisco event organized by the Alliance Forum Foundation and Consulate of Japan in San Francisco. The theme of the evening was the exciting future of stem cell research and its changes to our society. The keynote speaker was Dr. Shinya […]
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In September 2013, Yorozu Law Group wished Clara Chun Daniels well on her long-term sabbatical. Ms. Daniels, one of our Estate Planning and Administration attorneys, decided to take a long-term sabbatical to spend more time with her family. To learn more about Ms. Daniels, please click here.
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On January 17, 2013, Yorozu Law Group attended The Japantown Foundation’s Osechi Ryori Fundraising event at the West Bay Conference Center. Attendees experienced delicious traditional (and some rare) Japanese New Year’s cuisine provided by prestigious Japanese restaurants and establishments like Sushi Ran, Sanraku, Delica, Tokyo Fish, Yamasho, Suruki, Mira and Nippon Ya. True Sake and [(...)
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On October 5, 2012, Yorozu Law Group’s Tasha Yorozu attended US-Japan Council’s 2012 Annual Conference in Seattle, Washington. The year’s focus was “Power of One, Impact of Many”. The 2012 Annual Conference invited participants to discover the power of people in U.S.-Japan relations. Hundreds of attendees contributed in discussions on finding innovativ(...)
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In September of 2012, Mr. Ono joined Yorozu Law Group as a Visiting Attorney from Japan. Prior to his temporary transfer to Yorozu Law Group, Mr. Ono worked at Yuasa and Hara, a Japanese law firm. Mr. Ono brings with him considerable experience in intellectual property, transactions and commercial disputes. To learn more about Mr. […]
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On September 13, 2012, Yorozu Law Group’s Anne Lew and Tasha Yorozu met with Osaka Mayor Hashimoto. This was Mayor Hashimoto’s first meeting with a foreign delegation since taking office in April of 2010.
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On September 12, 2012, US Delegates of the San Francisco-Osaka Sister City Association attended its Gala dinner in celebration of its 55th anniversary at the Osaka Hilton. Among those delegates were SF-Osaka City Association’s Co-Chair Kathleen Kimura, Board Member Tasha Yorozu and her colleague Anne Lew. These delegates met with Osaka Mayor Hashimoto and mingled […]
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On February 22, 2012, together with representatives from Spott, Lucey & Wall, Inc. , Yorozu Law Group successfully presented “Real Estate Transactions & Cross-Border Tax Issues for International Clients” at an event hosted by Century 21 Real Estate Agency in San Francisco.
Jweekly 発行日:
企業概況 発行日:
Jweekly 発行日:
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昨年9月から個人が米国で起業する場合と日本の企業が米国進出する場合に於いて利用可能な事業形態の選択しについてご説明してきた。 一旦事業が設立されると実際に業務を行う人材を起用する必要がある。優秀な人材が集まり、一人ひとりの従業員が各自の処遇に満足して臨んできるような会社は、事業の上でも成功する確率が高くなることは言うまでもない。
Jweekly 発行日:
企業概況 発行日:
米法制度では成文法に加え、法の解釈を判断する上でも実際の法廷の判例が大切になってくる。特に最高裁判所の判決は、全米に影響するため広く注目されている。これから二回に亘って契約に基づく紛争についていくつかの判例を追ってみたい。 第11回 契約書と紛争処理
Jweekly 発行日:
企業概況 発行日:
このシリーズの最終回では、知的財産権を譲渡した場合の所有権をめぐった訴訟(スタンフォード大学対ロシュ社)において、米最高裁判所が2011年6月に判決を下した内容を説明する。 第12回 契約書と紛争処理